Jade Heusen Returned to School

Friday July 12th 2024

The 2024 Elmhurst Ballet School Awards Ceremony was the culmination of the school’s academic year, and this year it marked the 20th year of the school’s achievements in Birmingham. We also welcomed a very special guest back to school to present the awards.

During 2024, we have celebrated Birmingham being our home for the last two decades, and on 12 July we looked to the future of dance as we honoured our current students who have excelled, gone above and beyond, or made great strides with their work.

Many Elmhurst alumni have triumphed in the dance world and our very special on the day, Jade Heusen, trained at Elmhurst and graduated in 2009. Jade joined Birmingham Royal Ballet after already having danced with the Company for two years as an Elmhurst student. After retiring from ballet in 2018, Jade pursued performing in other fields. She played the leading lady Stephanie Mogano in the musical Saturday Night Fever, touring the UK and Japan before transferring to the West End. Since becoming a mum of two, Jade has been making her mark in the realm of mentoring and coaching; supporting and motivating ballet dancers and elite performers.

Jade’s story is a shining example of success for our students, and we are delighted she returned to the school to present the awards. Thank you, Jade, and congratulations on your continued success in the dance world. We are extremely proud to call Jade an Elmhurst alumnus.

Whilst recognising our students, the awards also shone a light on our teaching; the expertise of Elmhurst staff that enables young people in our care to flourish.

Elmhurst students- whether you received an award, nominated an awardee, were motivated to improve on something next year, you are all winners.

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