Video Requirements

All video links must be uploaded onto the online application form in order to apply for our Full-time Ballet Training programmes. Emailed links will not be accepted. 

Please see below for detailed video requirements for each age group and information on how to create a video link. 

You can film your video from home on a smartphone device or camera of your choice, you do not need to have the video filmed professionally or in a dance studio. 

Please ensure that your whole body is in the frame of your device and that you are dancing in a safe enviorment. 


Applicants aged 11 as of 31st August 2025


Girls – leotard (sleeveless) socks and soft ballet shoes.
Boys – white t-shirt or leotard, ballet shorts or tights (footless) and ballet shoes.


8 minutes maximum

  • Pliés – demi and grand pliés in 1st, 2nd, and 3rd positions

  • Battement tendu – 4 slow tendu 4 counts for each tendu, 2 out 2 in, en croix (front- side- back -side)

  • Grand battement en croix incorporating retiré passé


10 minutes maximum

  • Simple Port de bras including 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th positions

  • Battement tendus devant and a la seconde

  • 1st arabesque à terre de côté- showing a static position to both sides

  • Sautés in 1st and 2nd position facing the camera

  • Balancé de côté or en avant and en arriére or a combination of both

  • 1 enchainement from the corner (en diagonale) to include gallops, spring point, step and hop, polka. To both sides.

  • Splits on both legs


  • Hamstrings, sideways to the camera, legs stretched out in font parallel, stretch the arms above the head and reach forward to touch the toes, knees as straight as possible

  • Splits on both legs (facing en diagonal with both right and left leg)

  • Box splits, in second position

  • Lay flat on back with arms to the side and place legs in the 'Frog' position

  • Back sideways to camera, lying face down, place hands next to shoulders, stretch the arms so the back is arched



  • 1- 2 minutes of free improvised movement of any genre, to music of your choice

For applicants aged 11-15 years old as of August 2025


Girls - leotard (sleeveless), ballet tights and ballet shoes
Boys - tights, white T-shirt or leotard and ballet shoes


10 minutes maximum 

  • Pliés – demi and full pliés in 1st, 2nd and 5th positions and to include ports de bras (cambré) forward, back and sideways

  • Battement Tendus en croix

  • Ronds de jambe à terre

  • Adage to include développé en croix

  • Grand battements en croix



15 minutes maximum 

  • Simple Port de Bras

  • Pirouettes – single or double pirouettes en dehors and en dedans

  • Adage simple – to include développé devant, à la seconde and arabesque

  • Allegro – 3 enchaînements to include:

    1. Sautés in 1st, 2nd and 4th positions
    2. A simple assemble and jeté ordinaire combination
    3. Grand allegro age appropriate combination showing elevation, movement and dance quality


POINTE WORK (girls only if taught) 

  • Combination of rises and relevé in 1st and 2nd position for year 8

  • Relevé in 5th position, échappé relevé in 2nd and 4th 

  • Relevé in 5th, échappé relevé and to include relevé devant and derriére 


TOUR EN L'AR (boys only – if taught)

Single or double, right and left



  • Hamstrings sideways to the camera, legs stretched out in font parallel, stretch the arms above the head and reach forward to touch the toes, knees as straight as possible

  • Splits on both legs (facing en diagonal with both right and left leg)

  • Box splits, in second position

  • Lay flat on back with arms to the side and place legs in the 'Frog' position

  • Back sideways to camera, lying face down, place hands next to shoulders, stretch the arms so the back is arched



  • 1- 2 minutes of free improvised movement of any genre, to music of your choice

Applicants aged 16-18 in August 2025


Women - leotard (sleeveless), ballet tights and shoes
Men - tights, white t-shirt or leotard and ballet shoes


15 minutes maximum 

  • Pliés in all positions, demi and grand pliés, port de bras forward, back and en rond

  • Battement tendu and battement glissé

  • Rond de jambe à terre and en l’air

  • Adage showing développé en croix and incorporating battemnet fondu

  • Grand battement and grand battement en cloche


20 minutes maximum

  • Battement tendu combination using all directions (croisé, en face, écarté, effacé )

  • Adage must include grand rond jambe, penché in 1st arabesque (girls only) and promenade in arabesque

  • Pirouettes – en dehors and en dedans from 5th and 4th

  • Allegro – 4 enchaînements to include:

    1. A combination of assemlés, jeté, temp levé
    2. A batterie combination of your choice 
    3. Grand allegro to include four grand jeté en tournant, grand jeté en avant, grand sissone fermé en avant on both sides 


POINTE WORK (women only)

  • Relevé in1st, 2nd and 5th position, échappé relevé in 2nd and 4th in the centre

  • Relevé in 5th, relevé devant and derriére, courus in the centre


TOUR EN L'AR (men only)

Double- right and left 



  • Hamstrings sideways to the camera, legs stretched out in font parallel, stretch the arms above the head and reach forward to touch the toes, knees as straight as possible

  • Splits on both legs (facing en diagonal with both right and left leg)

  • Box splits, in second position

  • Lay flat on back with arms to the side and place legs in the 'Frog' position

  • Back sideways to camera, lying face down, place hands next to shoulders, stretch the arms so the back is arched.



  • 1- 2 minutes of free improvised movement of any genre, to music of your choice

To create an account and upload to YouTube:

Step 1: Access YouTube via the search engine where you will see a ‘sign in’ icon on the right-hand side.

Step 2: Enter all the relevant details to create your channel including a Gmail account

Step 3: To create a brand account if this is necessary, click on channel list and add a brand account

Step 4: By the account icon on the top right-hand corner of the page you will see a video recording icon. Click this and then ‘upload video’

Step 5: Choose a file from your computer to upload and enter all of the relevant details such as video name, and description including any hashtags that you may need. The video will then start uploading.

Step 6: Once the video is published, click on the share button below the video. You will then be given a link to the video which you can copy and paste in an email. You will also be given the option to share on social media or embed a longer link that is used to display a video within a website.


To create an account and upload to OneDrive:

Step 1: Login to an existing OneDrive account or create an account

Step 2: Click on ‘Upload’ and then ‘Files’

Step 3: Once you find your file, upload it, right-click on the file, and click ‘Share’

Step 4: Select ‘Anyone with the link’ and make sure you set a password and expiry date

Step 5: Once this is done, copy the link, and paste it in the application form along with the password- this will allow us to watch the video online privately.


To create an account and upload to Google Drive:

Step 1: Login to an existing Google account or create an account

Step 2: Go to Google Drive, click on ‘New’ and choose ‘File upload’

Step 3: Once your video is uploaded, right-click on the video and select ‘Get shareable link’ and make sure it’s set to ‘Anyone with the link’ can view

Step 4: Copy and paste the link into your application form where instructed- this will allow us to watch the video online privately.


Alternatively, you can upload your video to any website that allows file sharing. Please make sure to include the link in your completed online application form where indicated to do so. 


Full time ballet training

Elmhurst young dancers

Summer school

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