Funding & Fees Calculator


Tuition & boarding Fees: £27,600.00

MDS scheme grant: 25,791.00

DaDA scheme grant: 0.00

Means tested bursary: -£TBA

Elmhurst school bursary: 0.00

Total to pay*: £1,809.00

*Total fees includes accommodation and laundry (for boarders) and food (all students) but other costs will be recharged as noted on our scale of fees

Figures are based on 2024-2025 fees, grants and bursaries and are subject to change.

You may be eligible for an assisted place from either the Music and Dance (MDS) scheme (For Lower School) or the Dance and Drama Award (DaDA) scheme (for Upper School). Please use our fees calculator above to estimate your fees, remembering to use total gross household income before tax and pension deductions. MDS students may deduct £2,355 from your household income for each dependent sibling. If you have more than one child on an MDS grant, a different calculator is used, please contact the School. Upper School DaDA students and fee payers may apply to the School for a means-tested bursary which will be dependent on their income. Any such bursary will not be included in the fees calculator above.

This fees calculator is designed to be a guide only and should not be regarded as a guarantee of funding or fees.

Annual school fees 2024/25


Annual Boarding Fee 24/25


Annual Day Fee 24/25 

Lower School (Y7-11) 




Upper School (Y12-14)




Audition/application fees 2024/25

£45 (non-refundable)

Entrance fee deposits





Payable on acceptance 





Balance added to first termly invoice 










 No entrance fee is payable by MDS or DaDA students.

The entrance fee is returnable when the student’s school account has been cleared and the student leaves under normal circumstances.


  • Elmhurst works tirelessly to obtain government and bursary funding for students so that talented young dancers can access our world class education and training regardless of their families’ financial circumstances.
  • In the Lower School eligible students can access means-tested grant funding from the government’s Music and Dance Scheme (MDS).
  • In the Upper School eligible students can access means-tested grant funding from the government’s Dance and Drama Award Scheme (DaDA)
  • The School also offers means tested bursaries to students who are not eligible for government funding (e.g. due to residency requirements) and also to Upper School DaDA students to supplement the DaDA grant which only covers part of our fees.
  • Financial support is calculated based on gross household income each year. In order to be considered for funding, following acceptance of an offer of a place at Elmhurst (and annually thereafter) you will be required to complete the appropriate funding application form and provide all requested evidence of income for the relevant financial period (usually the most recent complete UK tax year). Full details of how to complete the forms will be provided and our Finance Team can assist with any queries.

Additional fee information

  • Fees are invoiced termly in advance and payment is due by return via bank transfer.
  • The termly day and boarding fees do not include additional charges such as text book costs, examination fees, taxis, school trips, Friday enrichment activities, RAD lessons, replacement access cards and House funds.
  • EAL fees of £550 per term will be charged to International students requiring support with English as an additional language, unless their EAL lessons replace one A-Level course.
  • Non-MDS students will also be charged for membership of the School’s Young Performers’ Health Trust which currently cost £310 per term.
  • Upper School boarding students will be charged a refundable accommodation deposit of £150 when they join the school.
  • External costs associated with attending a vocational school which parents will also need to cover include; travel costs between school and home; visa fees (where applicable for international students); and uniform costs.
  • MDS students are not charged for membership of the Health Trust or RAD syllabus classes. They also receive a dance uniform allowance and a free of charge weekly half-hour musical instrument/voice lesson at school.
  • MDS Students from lower income families may be eligible for additional support towards formal uniform and public transport travel costs.
  • All overseas students must have a UK guardian. Any costs associated with guardians are payable by the parents directly to the guardian.
  • All figures quoted above relate to the 2024/25 academic year and are reviewed annually, therefore will be subject to change.

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